Business Registration - Doing Business As (DBA) and 振s
商业登记是通过你计划开展业务的每个县的县书记办公室完成的. Before you register your business, you can visit our Web Self-Service Portal to search for names already in use.
New 笔名s and 振s Filings
商业登记可以防止其他企业的名称重复. 县书记处有权拒绝任何可能误导公众的商业登记, or have the same or similar name to another currently in use. 商业名称的注册将该名称置于公共记录中,表明注册人以假名开展业务. Business Registrations are valid for five years.
It is very important to know that DBA’s and 振s are 不 公司, limited liability companies (“LLC”), limited partnerships (“LLP”), or non-profit organizations. 公司, limited liability companies (“LLC”), limited partnerships (“LLP”), and non-profit organizations are 不 filed at the county level; they 必须 提交给密歇根州的许可和监管事务部(密歇根.gov /劳拉).
Two Types of Business Registrations at the County Level
- An 笔名/Doing Business As/DBA consists of one or more parties. 由于所列各方必须在公证人面前签署文件,因此更具约束力. 未经所列各方经公证的签名,本公司不得变更或解散.
- A 振 由双方以上当事人组成,经任何一方公证签名,可以变更或者解散.
Business Registration Requirements
- 笔名/Doing Business As/DBA:
- In Person (M-F, 8am-4:30pm): 拟在文件上签名的各方必须在存档时到场, must present valid government-issued photo identification, and pay the appropriate fee listed below (cash, 检查, and debit/credit cards accepted; $2.50 fee applies for debit/credit card processing).
- By Mail or Drop Box available at the Courthouse entrance: Download the application entitled “Certificate of Persons Conducting Business Under 笔名”. Fill out the top portion, have everyone’s signature notarized, 附上下面列出的适当费用,并附上支票或汇票,支付给推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您书记员, 并邮寄至: Saginaw 县, 111 S. 密歇根大街.密歇根州萨吉诺市 . 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您书记员办公室将完成底部部分,并邮寄给您一份认证副本.
- 振:
- In Person (M-F, 8am-4:30pm): 拟在文件上签名的各方必须在存档时到场, must present valid government-issued photo identification, and pay the appropriate fee listed below (cash, 检查, and debit/credit cards accepted; $2.50 fee applies for debit/credit card processing). (如果只有一位合伙人亲自提交申请,请参见下一步的附加选项。).
- By Mail or Drop Box available at the Courthouse entrance: Download the application entitled “Certificate of 振” and fill out the top portion. All parties must sign the document and designate one of the co-partners to have their signature notarized; this designated co-partner also has the responsibility of verifying all the other co-partners’ signatures. 因此,合伙企业只需要一个人的签名进行公证. This process can also be done ahead of time, 因此,需要进行签名公证的合伙人可以选择亲自提交(如果需要亲自提交并进行公证), 合伙人必须出示有效的政府签发的带照片的身份证件). If sending by mail, 附上下面列出的适当费用,并附上支票或汇票,支付给推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您书记员, 并邮寄至: Saginaw 县, 111 S. 密歇根大街.密歇根州萨吉诺市. 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您书记员办公室将完成底部部分,并邮寄给您一份认证副本.
- Change of Address and Notice of Dissolution of Business
- The same instruction applies for taking out an 笔名, i.e. 填写适当的表格,各方签名公证,并支付10美元的费用. These can be done in person or by mail.
Business Registration 费用 and Downloadable Forms
笔名 - $16 for new or expired business registration; $14 for renewal prior to expiration date
振 - $16 for new or expired business registration; $14 for renewal prior to expiration date
Change of Address - $10
Notice of Dissolution - $10
Certified Copies - $2 each
The Saginaw 县’s Office cannot give legal advice. 你可以向你的法律顾问咨询有关注册企业的更多信息.
Frequently Asked Questions
法律要求独资经营者或合伙人在县书记处(县’s Office)备案他们的企业(而不是个人的真实姓名). 该法律的目的是将以假名开展业务的人的姓名列入公共记录.
当你以个人独资或合伙的名义提出申请时, 你必须在你将要开展业务的每个国家进行备案.
If you find that someone else is using the same name, 然后你需要做一些调查,看看他们使用这个名字有多久了. If they have been in business for a long time, 您可能需要更改您的假名,以免公众混淆. 提交企业名称并不会产生使用该名称的实质性权利.
If the business is a separate business with a different name, 你要用你做生意的真实名字来提交文件. 然而, if you are doing business with the same name as in the first county, you should file with the same name in the second county.
If you are incorporated, 你唯一应该登记的地方是密歇根州——和你的公司章程一样. 以电子方式提交的说明和申请可以在密歇根州的网站上找到, www.密歇根.gov /劳拉
The bank should not advise 公司 to file at the county. For more information, 请致电密歇根州公司和证券局(517)241-6470核实此信息.
No, if you are incorporated (example: Lakeshore Painting, Inc.), 你唯一应该提交假名的地方是州——和你的公司章程一样. 县级备案仅适用于个人独资企业和合伙企业.
如果您仍然是独资经营者或合伙企业,您可以提交您的DBA. 与此同时, 您可以向密歇根州提交公司名称保留文件,以保留您的公司名称. 如果你是公司法人,你只需要在州政府备案. 一旦你成立了公司,你可以解散与县的DBA.
No. 提交企业名称并不会产生使用该名称的实质性权利. This is the same whether it is a corporate name, limited liability company name, limited partnership name, sole proprietorship name, or co-partnership name.
不,如果你是未成年人,你不能申请DBA或成为DBA的合伙人. 年满18岁的人是达到签订合同的法定年龄的成年人.